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Our Story

      It all started with three teachers having a mini reunion in a backyard in December 2020. We discussed how things have been constantly changing in the classroom and despite putting forth a large effort, feeling frustrated because our students’ needs weren’t being met and there was no joy in the classroom anymore… for teachers or for students.  We began to dream of a safe place for kids and their families to come where they could grow academically… but they had a voice in what they learned about and how they would like to learn it! We also discussed how we would include activities to build social skills and self-esteem for younger children because though students are at school for most of the day, opportunities to develop socially are lacking in a typical school schedule.  This conversation started a spark in all of us! We then began our What If’s… What if we can design a place, that is not necessarily a school, but still supported students academically and socially? What if we could provide these skills through classes, camps, and clubs that children and their families could pick depending on their personal needs and interests? What if it was a non-profit designed to make these activities affordable and accessible for all children and families interested?

These “What ifs became what do we have to do to make this happen?”, and our spark, or dream, mixed with hard work and research, became a reality! Wisdom and Wander was born!

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